Entrena fitboxing
en Ciudad De México

Únete a los miles de personas que ya entrenan con nosotros.
Solo necesitas dos sesiones de 47 minutos a la semana con nuestros entrenadores certificados para empezar a ponerte en forma.

¡Busca tu club y empieza ya!

Fitboxer sonriendo en posicion de guardia
Fitboxer sonriendo en posicion de guardia

Gimnasios Boutique en CIUDAD DE MÉXICO

Lago Alberto


353 Lago Xochimilco Ciudad de México
Sesión de prueba


48 Goldsmith Ciudad de México
Sesión de prueba
Santa Fe


15 Juan Salvador Agraz Ciudad de México
Sesión de prueba

Entrena con nosotros

We alternate rounds of hitting the punching bag to the rhythm of music with functional exercises.
We work cardio and strength. The most effective way to tone up and lose fat.
47’ that go flying by. You’ll leave with your batteries charged and a shot of positive energy.
The punching bag's sensors will measure your energy, strength, and timing. You’ll be able to see your improvement in the app.
Control your training from the APP
  • Follow the evolution of your training and your position in the ranking. Discover your score from your latest workout sessions to be able to improve.
  • Check class schedules and availability. Choose the day and time you want to work out and book from the app.
  • Become a member and complete your training by purchasing session packages. Choose the plan that best suits you and don't miss your sessions when you’re on vacation.
Book Now
Image of how the Brooklyn Fitboxing app is displayed from a mobile device.


You want to train and you know it

Now that you are here, don’t let this opportunity slip away, and try the most fun training